Cleaning and Organizing – (Switching to Google Docs)

I tend to save everything that is emailed to me throughout the year in neat, organized folders in my gmail.  Probably 80% of it I read and never need again, the other 20% I need to reference or for documentation at some later point and am thankful I saved it.

gmail pic

By the end of the year, I have A LOT of stuff and it tends to get tedious to wade through.  This year, I am only in one building, so I am putting my files in 3 categories (it’s going to sound a lot like a professional organizer in a Hoarders episode right now – so bare with me) 1. Save  2. Trash  3.  Donate (files that may be of use to the new counselor).  You may be able to get away with 1 and 2!!


Now is a good time, before the year gets rolling to not only clean out your email, but also to clean out old file folders (you know, the manila – physical ones).  I also need to organize some of my folders in my documents and on my desk top (yeah – sometimes I save to my desk top – Shhh! Don’t tell the tech guy!  He frowns upon that.) and do some backing up. This year, we were trained in Google Docs.  If you aren’t using Google Docs now, life becomes easier (and desk tops neater) if you make that transfer.  Don’t worry. If I can do it, it’s easy!!  I love that it has an organized folder system and easily converts my Office docs into Google docs with little to no formatting altered!!  Best part – it saves to the cloud automatically. Result – the tech guy is happy and my stuff doesn’t get lost in space!!

media cloud

Finally, it is worth going through book shelves, drawers, etc. so that you start the year out knowing what you have, where it is, and with a list of things you need,  Back to School sales are in full swing, so now is the time to stock up and save.  Don’t forget dividers, 3 ring binders, and protective sleeves.  I can’t live without these office supplies – then stay tuned to see how I organize with them!

back to school supplies


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