National School Counseling Week 2015

National School Counseling Week is just around the corner.  That first week of February, last year, was brutal.  We ended up with almost a week full of snow days!  I have higher hopes this winter, and have used our current snow days to get some plans together.  February 2nd is right around the corner.

ASCA puts out a press release every year and I tweak and personalize this article for our district newsletter.  It is a good way to advocate for our profession to the community.

bridgman buzz

I also make my own posters and school service announcements using the ASCA announcements put out each year.

NSCW poster

This year, to get the kids participating, I am doing an essay contest.  Here is the link to the announcement

What’s a celebration without food?  So this year’s theme is Building a Magical Future.  I plan on doing a staff breakfast (breakfast casserole and muffins, OJ coffee) and linking it to the theme by stressing how things come together to build something new and better (casserole) and how as a staff each of us brings something to the “table” for our students as they build their future.

* Follow up to be added after NSCW



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